Community Partner’s Guidelines

These guidelines apply to all Community Partners and/or Content Partners (defined hereafter as “Community or Content Partner” or “You” or “Your”).




Please note that all capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the respective meaning given to them in any written Agreement you have entered into with Wildlife Studios, if applicable. 


Wildlife Studios (“Wildlife”) appreciates your willingness and efforts to promote our Company. It is important for You to understand the legal issues that govern your activities. Wildlife believes in full transparency and in full, fair, and effective disclosures regarding Your relationship with the Wildlife brand. Below are some tips to help You promote Wildlife the right way.

Federal Trade Commission’s Guides Concerning Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising

Wildlife requires You adhere to the Federal Trade Commission’s Guides Concerning Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising, available at (“FTC Guides”).

An advertisement or promotional message should never suggest or imply to consumers that it is anything other than an ad. If You endorse a product through social media, including any content about Wildlife or any of its products or services, or when otherwise posting or streaming about or for the benefit of Wildlife or its products or services, your endorsement message must make it obvious that you have a relationship with Wildlife. This relationship must be disclosed whether You have received monetary compensation or a free or gifted Wildlife product or service. Telling Your followers about the relationship is important because it helps keep your recommendations honest and truthful, and it allows people to weigh the value of your endorsements.

Clear and Prominent Disclosure of Material Connections

Your connection with Wildlife might materially affect the weight or credibility consumers give to your statements. For this reason, You agree that you will not post or otherwise speak about or refer to Wildlife, directly or indirectly, without disclosing such connection, including if you were afforded any consideration, benefits, or received any free products or services from Wildlife.

Below are some acceptable methods that properly discloses Your relationship with Wildlife:


  1. Clearly and conspicuously, and in close proximity to any statements made about Wildlife, disclose your relationship to Wildlife, regardless of the space limitations of the medium. 
  2. Put disclosures in the first three lines of your post.
  3. Use hashtags like “#ad” or “#paid” at the beginning of the post and do not bury them amongst other links and hashtags. The specific form of any such disclosure will either be provided to you, or may be approved by Wildlife, or mutually agreed upon by you and Wildlife, but at all times in compliance with the FTC Guides and best industry practices. 
  4. Ensure your sponsorship disclosure is hard to miss.
  5. Treat sponsored tags, including tags in pictures, like any other endorsement.
  6. On image-only platforms, superimpose disclosures over the images.
  7. If you are streaming, you should ensure that you both disclose in a voice over and superimpose a disclosure periodically during the stream.
  8. On videos, the disclosure must be included in the video itself and also in the caption above the video.   



  1. Don’t assume followers know about all your brand relationships or specifically your relationship with Wildlife.
  2. Don’t assume that any disclosure(s) built into social media platforms are sufficient (e.g., “Paid” tag on Facebook or “Includes paid promotion” mark on YouTube or “Paid partnership with” tag on Instagram).
  3. Don’t use ambiguous disclosures like “Thanks,” #collab, #sp, #spon, or #ambassador.
  4. Don’t rely on using our name/brand as a hashtag alone (e.g., “#Wildlife”) because that is generally not enough to disclose your connection to us.
  5. Don’t rely on disclosures that people will see only if they click, scroll, hover their mouse over a link, or otherwise have to take some additional affirmative action on their part to view. For example, the disclosure should appear before any “click to read more” button.


Wildlife understands that disclosures and their use on social media often yield many questions. As Wildlife’s partner, we encourage You to read and review the below guidance from the FTC, which may help answer many of your questions about how Influencers properly disclose relationships with brands.

  1. FTC Guides (also referenced above):
  2. The FTC’s Endorsement Guides: What People are Asking: 
  3. FTC: The Do’s and Don’ts for Social Media Influencers:
  4. FTC: Disclosures 101 for Social Media Influencers: 
  5.  FTC: Do you endorse things on social media?: 

Honest and Truthful Opinions

What You say about Wildlife should be truthful and should reflect your honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences. To facilitate this: 


  • You must be an actual user of any Wildlife product(s) or service(s) at the time you make any statement about that product(s) or service(s). 
  • You should only make factual statements about Wildlife or its products or services which you know to be true and which can be verified. 
  • Don’t say Wildlife’s products or services can do something that they cannot. If you have questions about making explicit or implicit claims about Wildlife’s products or services, please reach out to us at

Community Standards and Compliance

Compliance with Laws and Regulations. You should comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, as well as with the terms, conditions, guidelines and policies of any website, social media platform or service that is used in connection with any content about or for the benefit of Wildlife, or its products or services, or when posting or streaming about or for the benefit of Wildlife, or its products or services.

No Inappropriate Language or Content.  You agree that all social media postings, streams, and comments shall always be in good taste and free of inappropriate language and/or content. In particular, You understand that Wildlife may reject your content if it:

  1. Contains material that is inappropriate, abusive, offensive, harassing, violent, inflammatory, indecent, obscene, hateful, tortious, defamatory, slanderous or libelous or that otherwise promotes bigotry, racism or discrimination against an individual based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age;
  2. Contains material that is unlawful, promotes unsafe or illegal activities, or is in violation of or contrary to the laws or regulations of the United States or of any jurisdiction where content is created;
  3. Contains information known by You to be false, inaccurate, or misleading;
  4. Contains material or content for which You have been compensated or granted any consideration by any third party;
  5. Causes annoyance, inconvenience, or needless anxiety or is likely to upset, embarrass, alarm or annoy any other person;
  6. Disparages Wildlife or any other person or party; and/or
  7. Contains material not consistent with the image and values of Wildlife or otherwise associates Wildlife or any of its products or services with any inappropriate or controversial content that would reflect poorly upon Wildlife, its products or services, or any products or services on Wildlife’s sites or channels.

Respect Intellectual Property Rights of Third Parties. 

  1. You should never post or share any content that violates or infringes the Intellectual Property Rights of any third party. In cases where you are unsure, you should always confirm with Wildlife prior to using any content. 
  2. If You decide to use Wildlife materials, you agree not to alter or modify any such Wildlife materials without first obtaining Wildlife’s prior written consent.
  3. Your posts, videos, or streams may not contain any products or services from another brand.
  4. Posts, videos, or live streams should not include information regarding another person or personally identifiable information about any person without first obtaining Wildlife’s prior written consent and, if necessary, the person at issue signing a release provided by Wildlife.

Respect Confidentiality. During a collaboration with Wildlife, You may be provided with or otherwise learn of confidential information. 

  1. You shall take all necessary precautions in handling the confidential information and limit disclosures on a strict need-to-know basis.  
  2. In the event You have any questions regarding the confidentially of specific knowledge or information obtained from or about Wildlife, you should reach out to Wildlife before sharing such information.